Page 2 of Google is a forbidden ground which no one likes to visit. So if you are ranking on the second page of the search engine results page and expecting people to visit your website, it is time to burst this bubble. In this forbidden ground, you are not getting traffic, not getting conversions and definitely you are not feeling so great about it. As a digital marketer, you must know the importance of search engine optimization and how it can boost the traffic on your website. However, despite of putting a lot of money and energy into your SEO strategy does not seem to give you good results, then you should stop and contemplate where you are going wrong. In today’s article, I’m going to mention some common reasons that could be behind your failing SEO strategy. Let’s hop on
Reasons behind your failing SEO strategy

✅ Inadequate investment in content
Gone are the days when individuals used to get away with a lot when it came to content. The post low-quality thin content and still make it to the top of Page 1 on Google. But now the situations have changed and it is getting harder to achieve that. So, if you are posting bad content people will not find the answer to their question. This will leave the reader looking for more which will result in high bounce rates. Thus, the search engine will deem your content as unworthy of Page 1. So, if you are observing your SEO strategy failing your subpar content could be the reason. What is the solution? The solution is to invest in your content so that people keep reading it. When they will keep reading it, search engine is more likely to show your content to other people with the same search query.
✅ Not utilizing content clusters
Content cluster strategy has become really popular in the recent years. If you do not have content cluster strategy, your SEO strategy might fall flat. What is content clusters? These clusters bundle content together based on a specific topic. The objective here is to drive readers to the pillar post which will then have lots of call to actions for the offer. Content cluster strategy will help you rank for more keywords because you have more content for each keyword while showing Google that your website visitors love your content. So, if you are still not using the content clusters, it is high time you include it in your content marketing strategy.
✅ Using a generalized CTA
It could be possible that you are getting website traffic but still you’re not getting good conversions from your SEO strategy. The good news is that it can be fixed. Here, what you need to do is take a look at your call to action. Is your call to action too generalized or specific to the question that led your audience to a particular post? Is the call to action asking people to buy a product which is not related to the post they are reading? Have you tried testing different offers? First off, you should start testing your call to actions in order to figure out what’s going wrong with them. Use call-to-values in place of call-to-actions to ensure you’re focused on the reader.
✅ Unable to see the results
You must understand that SEO is a long term strategy. It does not show the quickest results. So, if your SEO strategy is not bringing you ROI, you must have patience. As you know, SEO is not a paid strategy that gets turned on and optimized in a couple of days. As SEO brings organic results which takes time. Therefore, if you are not getting the results within a few weeks of launching your SEO strategy do not fret and just wait. You have to let your SEO strategy run for at least a couple of months to make sure it has time to work.
✅ Not utilizing other platforms
If you’re SEO strategy is failing the problem is not necessarily in your website or in your content. Sometimes, you have to move beyond your website and promote what you are offering using other platforms. Your goal is not just to drive traffic to your post on your own, but you also have to boost your post in search rankings and on other platforms so that people will notice it. Other platforms will include social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and many more. If you are still not utilizing these platforms which hosts billions of users you are making a big mistake. Promote your content to your audience via emails, on social media and through various other channels. This will only help your SEO strategy and it can be done for free majority of the time.
The bottom line
SEO is a tricky part of digital marketing. This part is not always entirely clear because search engines like Google don’t really know how things get ranked. But, Their number one objective is to give their users a great experience. This will happen when they get great content. Therefore, it is time you start investing in your content, try the content cluster strategy, test different call to actions, have patience and wait for few months to show results and utilize various other marketing platforms to promote your content. If you are struggling with your digital marketing strategy, you can get in touch with Digital Marketing Company in Delhi to upgrade your marketing strategy.