You must be aware of the importance of a great SEO strategy. Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the search optimization tactic which is used to draw organic traffic on the website. It uses tactics like relevant keyword strategy. It is an unpaid strategy. SEO is a crucial part of Digital Marketing. On the other hand, SEM or search engine marketing is a paid tactic to draw traffic to the website. Hence, the success and failure of a SEO strategy can be easily observed by several signs. In this article I will be discussing about seven signs your SEO strategy is no longer working.
Let’s dive right into it
7 signs your SEO strategy is no longer working

Here are listed seven signs your SEO strategy is no longer working
1. You are observing a decrease in organic traffic
This is one of the strongest sign of failing SEO strategy. If your website gathers good amount of organic traffic then that indicates that your SEO strategy is perfectly working. But if you are observing a decline in the organic traffic of your site then probably your SEO strategy is not working anymore.
Check the Analytics regularly. Then you need to stop using that old strategy and start making a new one. Try to find out the reasons behind this decline.
2. You are observing a decrease in keywords ranking
Day to day changes in ranking is usual but if you are witnessing a continuous decline in keyword ranking then you need to have a re-look at your SEO strategy. Find out the reasons behind this decline. A competitor may be causing this decrease with their quality content and relevant keywords. You need to make changes in your keyword strategy accordingly.
3. Your website produce thin content
Producing thin content will definitely reduce your ranking. This is one of the most common reason for ranking drop. Google ranks websites according to their users experience so if your website does not provide quality content then your rank will be lower than those who provide high quality content. A short content can not provide the important information.
Your content should cover all the necessary details hence you need to put out longer content which should contain the relevant information. The content should add value to the reader knowledge. You can add pictures and graphics to make it more interesting and engaging.
4. High bounce rate
This is the most obvious sign to determine the result of SEO strategy. Bounce rate is the percentage of time taken by the users to leave a website. A user usually don’t spend more than 10-15 seconds on a site if it is not good which will increase the bounce rate of the site.
There can be many reasons behind a high bounce rate. Bounce rate can be improved by making few changes to your site viz, make your site more responsive, mobile-friendly and faster. The bounce rate should be at the minimum.
5. Poor conversion rate
A poor conversion rate is a common sign of a failing SEO strategy. Conversion rate is the percentage of visitors on your site that converts into buyers or in other words, people who make purchase on your site. If the conversion rate of your website is low then you need to make changes in your SEO strategy because it’s not working anymore. If the traffic on your website is not right type then that will not convert those visitors.
Find out where you are lacking, is it the wrong keywords or keywords that don’t attract the visitors. For example, you are selling a woollen rug and your keyword is just ‘woollen rug’ then you won’t be able to bring the right customers instead use keywords like ‘discounted woollen rugs’ or ‘woollen rugs on sale’ this will bring more customers.
6. Bad quality backlinks
If your website does not contain high quality backlinks then you will see a dip in your site’s traffic and ranking as well. You need to put high quality backlinks to make sure that your site’s ranking is not degraded.
Don’t adopt malpractices like buying backlinks, that will not be of any good. And you may get penalized for that. Make sure the backlinks are healthy and from high quality sites. Also you have to ensure you don’t put any link from spammy sites.
7. You haven’t updated your SEO strategy
You need to change with changing times. Every thing needs updation. If you are still using the old SEO strategy then you can not expect any success for your site. Every strategy needs changes over time. Google also comes with new updates every now and then. You need to keep up with these updates. Google algorithm updates affect the ranking of sites. So make sure your site is mobile friendly and responsive.
To wrap up
SEO needs as much attention as other marketing tools. You need to carefully make the right SEO strategy which is updated and compatible with new developments. Then only you can make your site successful.
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