Do you feel your website is not getting enough traffic due to weak SEO techniques? Then I am guessing that you are only focusing on on-page SEO and ignoring off-page SEO. Don’t be confused, in this article I will be talking about what is off-page SEO tactics and how you can use them to enhance your website’s traffic.
Let’s jump right in
What is off-page SEO?
Off-page SEO is the tactics that is performed outside or off your website in order to improve the search engine results page position. It includes link building, forums, influencer outreach, content marketing and more. In simple terms, off-page SEO helps web indexes comprehend people’s opinion on your product, services or website. Getting a link from strong, authoritative sites enhances the chances of ranking higher in SERP. Off-page SEO is not where you can insert any link from any website rather it is about inserting the link from the right site.
Now, let’s see twelve Off-page SEO tactics to enhance traffic on your website
12 Off-page SEO tactics to enhance your website’s traffic

1. Influencer outreach
Influencer marketing is the talk of the town now a days. It is a great way to promote your brand and your products. Whenever you put out any content regarding your products reach out to social media influencers to share them. Try to get backlinks from them as well. Just make sure that your links are from quality and authoritative sites.
2. Create share-worthy content
Great quality content is always the KING in search engine optimization. Creating amazing and share-worthy content is a smart way to generating more and more natural backlinks to a website or blog. Research often and try to keep your content always fresh and updated.
3. Social Media Engagement
Social media engagement is a major off-page SEO tactic. If you want to make your brand, website or blog popular, engage with people on various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many more. Social media presence will help grow your business and also help you get more back links which will eventually increase the traffic on your website. .
4. Guest author
Guest blogs are very popular. This is because they earn you quality backlinks. There are numerous good and quality blogs that accepts guest blogs from various authors. Pen down an amazing research piece and get in touch with them with the content for guest blog. Your focus should be on quality of links over quantity of links. Also you should avoid posting multiple times on the same guest blog site. Reach out to various guest blogging platforms to increase your reach.
5. Forum Submission
One way to increase your site’s traffic is by participating and engaging in search forums which are related to your website and business and build a connection with that community. Reply to threads, answer people’s questions and give your suggestions and advice. Make use of “Do-Follow” forums. These forums gives you a platform to spread the word and promote your business by getting engaged with people of your industry.
6. Social Bookmarking Sites
If you want to promote your website, then Social Bookmarking Sites are a great option for you. By bookmarking your webpage or blog post on popular social bookmarking websites, you draw high traffic to your webpage or blog. This tactic is a great way to enhance your website’s traffic.
7. Question and Answer
Question and answers websites gives you the best opportunity to gain traffic to your website. You have to join high PR question and answer sites and search for questions related to your business, blog or website and give clear and quality answers to these questions. Don’t forget to give a link to your website which will help in bringing you more visibility. By giving your site link in your answers you can enhance the traffic on your site.
8. Article Submission
Another way of getting traffic on your site is by submitting your articles in a high PR article submission directory. You may also give links to your website. But you have to ensure that your content is original and of high quality. Poor quality content and content that has more keyword stuffing might get rejected. Give an appropriate title to your content and select the right category.
9. Video Submission
Popular video submission sites will help you make your videos famous. With your submission don’t forget to give a proper title, description, tags and reference links. This is one of the great and popular ways to get quality backlinks because almost all video submission websites have high PR. These backlinks will draw their audience to your site.
10. Image Submission
Likewise video submission, there are popular image submission websites also where you can share your images. It is of utmost importance to optimize the images before submitting them. You have to optimize them with the right URL and title tag. Double check if they have a proper title, description and tags then submit the images.
11. Document Sharing
This is an unique and effective off-page SEO tactic. You can enhance your site traffic by creating attractive documents related to your business or blog. Provided, the documents must have unique content and should be in either pdf or ppt formats. You may as well submit these documents in the document sharing websites where you can give backlink to your site.
12. Infographics Submission
Use and creation of Infographics is on trend these days. Because plain text content can bore the audience and now a days content is being produced in such a creative way that you can not rely on the old techniques. Hence, Make creative infographics. Then you have to submit your infographics on infographics submission websites and give reference links to your webpage or blog. The image sizes will be different across different websites. These various submission sites allows you to give links back to your website which enhances the traffic on your site.
Wrapping up
On-page or off-page, both SEO tactics are important. However, if you just focus on on-page then that can lead to poor performance of your website with low traffic. You have to plan a well-balanced Digital Marketing strategy with equal focus given to on-page SEO as well as Off-page SEO.
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